Bouvard Italia S.p.A.

Design and construction of a sludge dewatering plant for a confectionery company

360° Service


  • Fagagna (UD)

Purification Technologies


  • Absorption efficiency:< 3.0 KW/h
  • Machine capacity: up to 120 KgSS/h
  • Max daily output (3% SS):95 m3/dd
  • Destination of sludge: agricultural use


The multinational confectionery company, Bouvard Italia S.p.A., completed the upgrading of the wastewater treatment plant installing an automatic dewatering plant for the excess sludge.

The excess sludge had always been disposed in a liquid form, however, in consideration of the large amount of material, we proposed to reduce it through a dewatering system and dispose it for agricultural use. The goal was a considerable reduction in transport and disposal costs, the avoidance of logistic troubles, loading and transport procedures by implementing a virtuous management of wastewater.


The lack of sufficient space compelled us to project meticulously every single detail, as well as to redesign the spaced devoted to temporary storage of waste. From a technological point of view, we opted for dewatering screw presses, as for their ease of use, but mainly for their very low energy consumption. The system is almost fully automated: due to the unavoidable varying characteristics of the sludge and in order to obtain the maximum dewatering yield, the starting and calibration phases are supervised on site, while the washing and stalling phases are carried out automatically at the end of the cycle.

The sludge to dewater is barren, since it derives from the MBBR biofilm treatment plant, and, by virtue of that, we obtained dewatering yields of about 18% on a dry matter basis.

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+39 0432 888070

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